After a long night, and unable to focus because of the images of Tuco braking the boys' legs, Jimmy crashes at Chuck's.

When they are released, Jimmy drives the two boys to a local hospital. Again, Jimmy tries to reason with Tuco and gets his and the two boys' death sentences reduced to a broken leg for each of the twins, telling Tuco that the punishment should fit the crime. Instead of killing them right then and there, Tuco takes them, and Jimmy, to the middle of the desert. Obviously impressed by his argumentative skills, Tuco takes Jimmy to the basement where the twins are tied up. Soon after, Jimmy shows up and explains to Tuco why he should keep him alive. Tuco takes this as an insult to his grandmother and beats the boys with a cane. Oblivious to the situation at hand, the twins continue to seek their money from Abuelita. Instead of ending up at the Kettleman's house, the boys end with Tuco Salamanca and his grandmother. However, things do not go as planned and the boys end up ditching Jimmy and following the car involved in the hit and run. Kettleman's car and then he will come in to save the day. Jimmy puts together an idea where one of the boys will get hit by Mrs. Hamlin, over Jimmy to represent them, Jimmy offers the brothers a deal. After The Kettlemans decide on HHM, a law firm co-founded by Jimmy's brother Chuck and George M. He tells them that they are messing with the wrong guy. Meanwhile, Jimmy gets in an accident with two skaters ( Lars and Cal) who he figures are trying to scam him. However, Jimmy catches a break when Craig Kettleman, a high profile treasurer, is accused of stealing 1.5 million dollars and goes to Jimmy for help. Because of this, he does not have a lot of money and gets ticked off when he is asked to pay a small parking fee. Jumping back in time to 2002, public lawyer Jimmy McGill is working an absurd case of three college students having sex with a head. Gene then goes home, where he is alone, and watches one of his old "Better Call Saul" commercials as he starts tearing up. When a man stares him down, he really starts to sweat only to soon realize the man is not affiliated with law enforcement. He looks nervous, as if at any moment the police might catch him. After the events of Breaking Bad, in a black and white scene, Gene Takavic, formerly known as "Saul Goodman", is working at a Cinnabon in Nebraska.